Internship at Dastkar Andhra in Hyderabad, India - Reisverslagen van - Internship at Dastkar Andhra in Hyderabad, India - Reisverslagen van -

Internship at Dastkar Andhra in Hyderabad, India

From September to December 2012 I will do an internship at the Indian organisation Dastkar Andhra in Hyderabad, India.

While the internship is part of my master studies, the choice of going to India was largely made with the aim of experiencing a totally different culture than my own Dutch background.
Learning how to deal with the many differences between myself and the people I will meet and work with during the upcoming four months will therefore be just as much part of the experience as my 'actual' job.

oh, and check this out:

Recente Reisverslagen:

14 Februari 2013

there, and back again *cheesy, I know :D

01 Januari 2013

Pictures, memories, and some more things.

24 December 2012

From Hyderabad with Love

11 December 2012

Over the hills, and far away...

05 December 2012

On pancakes, powder tea and pickles

Actief sinds 28 Juli 2012
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 5435

Voorgaande reizen:

23 Augustus 2012 - 03 Januari 2013

Internship at Dastkar Andhra in Hyderabad, India

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