sound stuff - Reisverslag uit Haiderabad, India van MarithD - sound stuff - Reisverslag uit Haiderabad, India van MarithD -

sound stuff

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29 Augustus 2012 | India, Haiderabad

So I think I will update this 'story' whenever something new comes up.
As this city is so full of sounds I thought it could be nice to share some with you, and also to safe them for myself.

What I will do is post here what kind of sounds I hear during whatever activity I am doing. Because this city is quite noisy. I do feel somewhat lucky that the noise of autorickshaws in this part of town is less loud than I experienced when I stayed at my 1st hosts during the first 3 nights.

I guess I will just make a list?!

random sounds:
- horns, of any kind, at any moment between 8 am and 12pm.
There are the electronic horns, but also just these ones you have to squeeze with your hand. Alltogether the cars and auto's (short for autorickshaw) make quite a pallet of different kinds of what I would define as "NOISE". The whole idea of honking a horn that is normal back home has lost all meaning here. One honks when one reaches a crossing, when someone else is in the way, when the driver sees someone/thing he likes, or just to let all other people know that one is "coming up". Anyways. And its not just the auto's. Busses like to contribute to the noise just as much!
- the street vendors. They S*CK. Somehow the pitch of their yelling is not being filtered by my earplugs. So while I can shield myself at night and in the morning from many of the horns, I cannot fight away the evil tones of men who want to sell bananas, fried stuff, brooms, carpets, plastic whatevers, pick up paper.. or whatever, and there probably are more vendors whom I have not seen yet.
- children. You won't hear them much during the days, or nights, but today happens to be a sunday which is a day off for the kids. I have to say it's a nice change as opposed to the rushes of weekdays.
- sirenes of ambulances and police
- the sound of a car going in reverse, which melody is completely different from the beep-beep in Europe
- drums during the Ganesh festival.

"So nice to meet you sister!" - A (catholic; 15 years old?) girl in the street with such an intense smile it was sp extremely adorable!?
"height.. perfect.. height" - Many men on the street... :P
"dankewel" a customer in the DARAM store who said that when he left.. I was kinda stunned!

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Actief sinds 28 Juli 2012
Verslag gelezen: 69
Totaal aantal bezoekers 5436

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23 Augustus 2012 - 03 Januari 2013

Internship at Dastkar Andhra in Hyderabad, India

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